Our 2023 Holiday Calendar

Hello families! As we approach the holiday season we wanted to give a brief update about upcoming changes in hours through the end of 2023. Aside from the dates below, we will be operating Sundays through Thursdays at our regular hours. As always, if you have any scheduling needs or questions do not hesitate to reach out! Halloween Open, regular hours Tuesday, October 31st Thanksgiving Week CLOSED Thursday, November 23rd Open, regular hours Sunday, November…

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What is the Digital SAT?

I’m sure you’ve heard something about the big changes coming to the SAT. You might be wondering, how will will affect me or my student? Does this new Digital SAT have the same types of questions? Is the study material my older brother used a few years ago still relevant for this new version of the test? And why is the test changing in the first place? Our hope is that we can answer these…

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Welcome to the University Tutoring Blog

University Tutoring Logos

Hello and welcome to the University Tutoring Blog! If you’ve visited our website in the past, you may have noticed some recent changes. Over this past summer we began the process of revamping our website and we are now thrilled to bring you the new and improved version of UniversityTutoring.com. We think this new site is a whole lot easier to use while also including some exciting new features. In the past, our website has…

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